114 dedicated Lamesa Golden Tor students attending FCA Fields of Faith at Jones AT& T Stadium. Proud of our students. #ff2019
over 5 years ago, Jim Knight
FCA Fields of Faith 2019
The South Elementary Gentlemen’s Society know how to greet each other. At today’s meeting they engaged in a greeting workshop and inducted some great new members! Keep being prime examples of leadership!
over 5 years ago, Justin Lindsey
Emmitt welcomes new member Samuel!
Cortez and Kyree greet each other politely!
Collin abc Aiden have great eye contact!
Attention Tors! The JV Football game at Sweetwater on Thursday. 10/10 will begin at 6:30pm.
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Jv football
At LHS on Friday, Ms. Combes's forensics class performed pickle autopsies! Not for the faint of heart ;)
over 5 years ago, Richard Soliz
Alas, poor Vlasic...
Et tu, Best Maide?
Teacher For The Day: Lupita Munoz and Rylynn Lopez in Ms. Allison’s class got a chance to be a teacher for the day!
over 5 years ago, Justin Lindsey
Great job Lupita and Rylynn!
Shout out to the LMS cafeteria staff and all of our cafeteria staff for always taking care of us! You are a blessing to our district! 🌪
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Cafeteria staff
Attention Tors! Monday, October 7th is a student holiday. Staff will have professional development. Enjoy your 3 day weekend, Tors!
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
October 7th is a student holiday
Tornado Spotlight! Thank you to Jeremy Hernandez, for your hard work and dedication to the students and staff of Lamesa ISD!
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Jeremy Hernandez
It’s a great day at Lamesa ISD! LMS celebrated their custodians by loading them up with baskets of snacks! Thank you for all that you do!
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
LMS custodians
Great things happen at Lamesa ISD! Na'Kia and Ai'Nai respectfully stopped this morning before the checking in to do the Pledge of Allegiance on their own! Super proud South Elementary moment!
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
South Pledge
FUN LESSON WEEK: It’s a race to the finish as Mrs. Proctor and Miss Mince’s classes combine to master their spelling words!
over 5 years ago, Justin Lindsey
It’s a race!!
It’s a race to be the tallest ROSE!
Spell, spell fast as you can!
Evander leaps towards success
Great things are happening at Lamesa ISD! Lamesa FFA represented well at the South Plains Fair Livestock Show. Sagen Oaks placed 3rd in fine wool and placed in fine wool cross, Isabelle Moreau placed 2nd in fine wool and was Reserve Champion, Michaela Riggins placed 6th in medium wool and Riley Davis placed in medium wool.
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
South Plains Fair stock show
FUB LESSON WEEK AT SOUTH ELEMENTARY: Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Barrera’s 2nd Grade Science Classes Fold, Sand, and and Melt Objects to Change Their Properties.
over 5 years ago, Justin Lindsey
Sanding and learning!
And theirs off!
Fold and fly
Build and mesh!
Thank you to all the sponsors, teams, LHS culinary students, and individuals who participated or helped with the 1st Annual Lamesa Booster Club Glow Golf Tournament. Congratulations to Clint Kunkel, Brant Stewart, Ron Mann, and Ricky Webb on 1st Place! We appreciate all that the Lamesa Booster Club and Lamesa Community does for our Tors! 🌪
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Great things are happening at Lamesa ISD! Mr. Pedroza and culinary students had a cookout for the 1st Annual Lamesa Booster Club Golf Tournament! ⛳️ 🌪
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
over 5 years ago, Justin Lindsey
Great things are happening at Lamesa ISD! Tornado Athletes greeted our Elemendary students as they came to school this morning! 🌪
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Tornado athlete greeters
Join us in Monahans, today, for JV Football! Go Tors! 🌪
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
JV Football
Tornado Spotlight! Thank you to Pam Maxwell, for your hard work and dedication to the students and staff of Lamesa ISD!
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Pam Maxwell
Due to inclement weather, the 1st Annual Lamesa Booster Club Glow Golf Tournament scheduled for today, Saturday, September 20th, as been rescheduled for next Saturday, September 28th.
over 5 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Golf Tournament