In honor of First Responders Day, South Elementary like to show their appreciation for Officer Boyd!
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Game Change! Come out and support Lamesa Freshman and JV take on Midland Christian at Tor Stadium today at 5pm! Go Tors!
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Game Change
Great things are happening at Lamesa ISD! Ms. Chavez’s 4th grade class. We are working on Reading strategies while playing Defend Your Corner. 🌪 ⭐️
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Tornado Spotlight! Please help us recognize Coach Mario Gonzales for his hard work and dedication to our district! Thank you for all that you do!
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Mario Gonzales
Happy Fall from Mrs. Ramos and Ms. Fletcher’s kindergarten classes! 🍃
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Tornado Football will take on Monahans this week! If you aren't able to attend in person, join us live on the Lamesa ISD YouTube page by clicking the link below!
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Football Live Stream
Attention Tors! Come out and support Tornado Volleyball at Friona this Saturday. Tickets can be purchased at the door. Please bring a mask. Go Tors!
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Attention Tors! Purchase your tickets here for LMS football @ Midland Christian by clicking the link below! Go Tors!
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
LMS Football @ Midland Christian
South Elementary is proud of Levi Shaw and Ally Hernandez for proudly representing as Crown Bearers at Friday night’s homecoming game!🌪👑
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Crown bearers
North Elementary picture day is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 22nd!
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
NE Picture Day
Congratulations to the 2020 Homecoming King, Isaac Reyes, and Homecoming Queen, Bella DeLaRosa! 👑🌪
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Homecoming Royalty
Attention Tors! There has been a change in our LHS and LMS Football Schedules. There will NOT be an Open Date this season, therefore all games have been moved up one week. Please take a moment to look at the revised schedules. Go Tors!
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Revised Football Schedules
We have a busy week ahead of us in Tor Nation! Come out and support your Tors!
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Athletic Schedule
Go Tors! 🌪
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
SOUTH T.O.R. OF THE WEEK: Josiah Armendariz served as a leader for his classmates and school by standing for the pledge on his own when he was in transition! We are so proud of you Josiah!
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Tor of the week
The tradition continues! Burning of the letters 2020! 🌪
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Burning of the letters
We’ve got spirit, yes we do! 🌪🏈
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Black and gold
Go Tors! 🌪
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Mrs. Lily & Ms.Anna’s Pre K Class At South Elementary Would Like To Wish The TORS Good Luck Tonight !
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD
Coach Young is proud to be a Tor while paying homage the Tor History! The uniform was worn under the leadership of Coach Follis! 🌪 #HOCO2020
over 4 years ago, Lamesa ISD