SOUTH T.O.R. OF THE WEEK: Matthew Vasquez was a great example of a gentleman helping a fellow student find his way to the nurse. Matthew is our first double T.O.R. winner! Photo cred Mrs. Bahlman!
Attention Tors! Varsity Baseball Game Time has been changed from 12:00pm to 2:00pm, today, due to Rain last night. ⚾️
It's Principal's Day! Thank you to Ms. Bahlman, Mr. Ritchey, Mr. Arguijo, and Mr. Jerabek for their unwavering support of the students and staff of our district!
Congratulations to Isaac Reyes who took 2nd Place in Practical Nursing at the Skills USA State Competition! We are proud of you!
Please welcome Christi Erwin to the Tornado Family! She will join us for the 21-22 school year! 🌪
Tomorrow is Principal Appreciation Day! LMS appreciated Mr. Arguijo!
It’s a great day at South Elementary! Ms. Hernandez and Ms. Vasquez's classes hasd a virtual field trip to the Science Spectrum to learn about weather! 🌧
Please help us recognize the Lamesa High School Class of 2021! 🎓
Tornado Softball beat Alpine in 2 games to become Bi-District Champs! Go Tors! 🌪🥎
Join us at the LHS GTB Spring Concert & Band Banquet on Friday, May 7th at 6:00pm in the LHS Auditorium! Meal tickets are $8 for guests attending the Banquet meal. Admin, School Board and LHS GTB members are free.
Attention 8th Grade Parents! Please attend a required meeting on Wednesday, May 5th at 5:00pm in the LHS Cafeteria to begin the scheduling process for your upcoming freshman!
Please help us recognize the Lamesa High School Class of 2021! 🎓
Join us at the LMS Golden Tornado Band's Spring Concert on Thursday May 6th at 5:00pm in the Follis Gymnasium!
The 2021-2022 District Calendar is now available on the Lamesa ISD website!
Please help us recognize the Lamesa High School Class of 2021! 🎓
Tornado Spotlight! Please help us recognize Jana Napper, LHS Edgenuity Facilitator, for her hard work and dedication to our district! Thank you for all that you do! 🌪
Please help us recognize the Lamesa High School Class of 2021! 🎓
Please help us recognize the Lamesa ISD Bus Drivers in honor of School Bus Driver Day! Thank you for your dedication to the student's and staff of our district! 🚌
Congratulations, Belle! Isabelle Moreau will be representing 3A Region 1 at the state track meet in the long jump. She has qualified in the long jump as the wild card with a jump of 17'10.75". Isabelle will jump on Thursday, May 6th at 9:00 a. m. at the state meet. 🌪
The Lamesa ISD Food Pantry will be open on Wednesday, April 28th at 4:30pm!