Starting certified teacher salary over $10,000 above state base pay.
District contributes up to $400 a month towards health insurance.
Matching 457 contribution.
Commuter Van for Lubbock residents.
Stipends and Incentives.
Beautiful, State of the Art, and updated facilities.
Free Employee Fitness Center Memberships.
Ongoing mentorship and support for new teachers.
1:1 Technology KG-12.
Ongoing professional development and collaboration.

Why work for Lamesa ISD?
Our Mission:
Our mission is to love, develop, and challenge students so they are prepared to succeed at home, at work, and in their community!
Skyward Employment Application
Our Beliefs:
Adults should model the LISD core values of working hard, loving kids, and being coachable
Every student should have meaningful/positive interactions with adults every day.
Designing unique educational opportunities to spark students' interest will improve their engagement.
Instructional risk-taking is foundational to improved learning.
Memorable learning experiences have a deep and positive impact on students.
Current Job Opportunities
Construction Teacher
Bus Driver
*If you are interesting in subbing, please complete the application by clicking the link below.
Click here to open a new tab to complete an application in Skyward.
For information or questions, please email
It is the policy of Lamesa ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, religion, age, equal pay, genetic information, veteran or military status, disability, or any other legally protected status as required by Title IV of the Civil Right Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. For more information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Dan Castillo, at 806-872-5461, P.O. Box 261, Lamesa, TX 79331.

"The teachers and staff do their best everyday to make Lamesa ISD the best it can be. There are some people in administration who are willing to help teachers with ideas, strategies, tools, and anything needed to best help our students. Finally, the kids in Lamesa ISD, and the impact that we as teachers and staff have on those students, truly make everything worth it. If you work for Lamesa ISD, you are sure to flourish, no matter the title/job you have."
CJae Rodriguez, 1st Grade Teacher

“Lamesa is a great place to work. The support that you get from not only the administrators, but the teachers as well, will direct you through any challenge. The facilities are outstanding and getting better every day. The students may be a challenge at first, but if you build that bond and show them that you care then they will be the reason that you want to go to work everyday.”
Trenton Jones, Head Girls Basketball Coach & High School Teacher

"I have obtained a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from working for Lamesa ISD over the years and have been given the opportunity to continue learning and growing professionally. Lamesa has always been on the cutting-edge of technology and has always provided the needed educational resources to teachers and students."
Lisa Telchik, High School Teacher

"Lamesa ISD is a family. I love the small hometown environment. We all lookout for each other and step in when someone needs assistance. Whether it is a student or staff. The administration also will listen to what you may have to say. You may not get the answer you wanted, but will always encourage what will be best for our district as a whole."
Dora Martinez
High School Teacher
"I think the "grow your own" program is great. The more teachers that are from Lamesa, that are loyal to this community and school and wanting to give back, the better it is for our students."
Debra Arguijo
5th Grade Teacher
"I believe the children are our future. Lamesa ISD does a great job teaching our students the tools to be successful in life."
Amy Baker
High School Counselor